First Powerlifting Meet: My Experience
I’ve been on and off about doing a powerlifting meet for over a year and a half now. To this day, I’ve still never followed a strength...
I’ve been on and off about doing a powerlifting meet for over a year and a half now. To this day, I’ve still never followed a strength...
After a fair few years of training and eating to support my training and manipulate my body composition, I still struggle with negative...
A survey found that 48% of 2018 resolutions are to lose weight... but we see so many of these resolutions fail before the end of the...
Weighing and tracking every ounce of food… it’s true, if you want to manipulate your weight and are able to stick to it, it works better...
Social media… we love to hate it. I know that I’m guilty of the same, complaining about it but still taking almost every free opportunity...
This was supposed to be a November favorites post... however, I've now missed the boat on that one. Instead, I am going to extend this to...
The geeky part, what is motivation? Motivation, in simple terms, can be thought of as the direction and intensity of one’s effort (Sage,...
I spent 4 days in Berlin, Germany this month as a little long weekend getaway to celebrate my 21st birthday. I'd already seen a little...
Struggling to buy a present for your gym going friend or family member? This short blog aims to give you some great ideas for gifts that...
For me, getting to try different foods is both one of the most exciting, and risky, parts of a tip abroad. Eating out is something that I...