· Foam roller
· Band
1) Light cardio (preferably non-impact such as bike or cross-trainer) for up to 10 minutes to increase blood flow to muscles and joints to prevent injury.
2) Foam rolling, especially targeting the:
· Glutes
· Hamstrings
· Calves
· Quads
· ITB/hips
3) Stretching, with focus on dynamic stretches
Squat with plate/KB held out in front
Leg swings
If you usually wear lifting shoes, begin warming up in socks to work your ankle mobility. There are plenty more that you could add but these are a couple of my go to ones!
4) Band work/activation
Hit any areas which you may struggle to get a mind-muscle connection with or take particularly long to warm up. Personal favourites include:
Band walks
Band squats
Band abductions
Body weight glute work
5) Warm up sets
Always start with an empty bar. Approach each set as you would a top set and assess how the weight feels.